Energy Systems

How might we create a more sustainable energy system?


Why Iceland?

100% of Iceland’s electricity is renewable energy. This remarkable feat is possible because of the country’s incredible natural resources, combined with local ingenuity and strong leadership.

By exploring Iceland’s energy systems, we can begin to understand the intricacies of geothermal and hydropower systems. From lighting cities and fueling industry to heating homes and baking bread, Icelanders have engineered new ways to direct earth’s power toward building thriving economies and communities. But is Iceland’s energy system perfect? Is it replicable? What innovations can be built on top of it? This program offers an opportunity to unpack the successes of Iceland's sustainability and green energy efforts, the challenges they still face, and the implications for other nations seeking a more environmentally friendly future.

Insights + Projects


On every Atlas Workshops program, the group works on an inquiry with real-world implications. Through intentional exploration, engagement with locals and experts, and team activities, students generate new insights and ideas about the topics, places, and global issues they’re investigating. 

For some groups, the program incorporates a more extensive project⁠—an opportunity to apply our learning and stretch our creative thinking by making something tangible or public. 

We work to share the ideas and inspiration we find in the world, with the world, through collaborative initiatives and student expression. We can also work with you to develop a custom project or publish students’ insights via exhibition, photography, digital or print media, or other format. 


Suggested Itinerary

Students will investigate the project question by getting to know Iceland as a place, along with the people who live there, tinkering with ideas together to apply what they are learning, and sharing reflections, insights, and aha moments with others.

The Icelandic Context: 1-2 Nights

In Iceland’s capital we will begin to unpack the history and geography that sparked the nation’s commitment to renewable energy and visit the hub of technology and innovation in the country. We will get a feel for the city and have a chance to speak with local students or entrepreneurs focused on sustainability initiatives.

Renewable Resources: 3-4 Nights
Selfoss and Skalholt

Heading out of the city we will see how the powerful geological forces connect to energy systems. We will visit the continental divide at Thingvellir, where two tectonic plates converge, and have lunch at the famous geothermal tomato farm. We’ll draw on visits to innovative projects and technological facilities to deepen our investigation of Iceland’s energy landscape. We’ll see the inner workings of both geothermal and hydropower plants, as well as creative projects using geothermal energy and carbon management to improve local areas.

Energy Innovation: 1-2 Nights

On our way back to Reykjavik, we will focus on recent volcanic eruptions and geothermal energy on the Reykjanes Peninsula. We will meet with local specialists and entrepreneurs in and around the city to see how we might support or benefit from their work. Finally, through meetings and projects in the city we will unpack the intricacies of renewable energy at work and assess what ideas we want to keep working on at home.

Want to Learn More?

Custom Programs & Modifications

We have designed this itinerary to maximize the value and breadth of our project and program. We can modify any program, or we can plan an entirely custom program. This itinerary could be adapted to focus on more specific learning outcomes, visit different regions, hit a different price point, combine with another program, or cover a longer or shorter schedule based on the group’s needs.

Continue Exploring

You can also check out other programs in Iceland, request a custom program, or explore other related programs here:


Sustainable Living


Renewable Energy